Senin, 14 September 2015

Belanja Kain di Tanah Abang

Yay!! akhirnya kemarin berhasil belanja kain di Tanah Abang,. =D

I have this kind a affection in fabrics. I love it so much when I see fabrics esp if they have beautiful designs and colors... If a kid will jump and scream hysterically because of happiness when he gets a new toy, then I'll give the same reaction when I see fabrics. Just like riding a roller coaster, my adrenaline is pumped every time I see fabrics. hahaha

The next place I'm going to explore is Mayestik, can't wait!! =D

They are pretty, aren't they? =D

Being Alone

Altho I am an independent person and loove going solo, I am so attached to my husband. I don't know to explain this feeling, but he's the one who can make me feel comfortable, safe, and peaceful. After he moved to Purwokerto, I couldn't even sleep well.. hiks... I hate it... I hate it if I couldn't smell his scent and hug him...

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