Minggu, 14 Juni 2015

Craft Room

I recently bought a new sewing machine (Janome SUV 1122) and I'm planning to be a crafty person (My parents don't buy my intention, they just doubt it OF COURSE!! they know me the best =p).

The point is that I've never been a persistent and patient person, even my hubby didn't approve my wish to have a new sewing machine at first. but I have to get everything I want right? =p, so with a lil bit this and that I succeeded to make hubby buy the machine!! yay

I always imagine everything too much, well i am a quite imaginative person,. so, eventho our future house will not be built in the near future, but I've already have my dream craft room.

The yellow chair catches my attention


I like it

Love the blue wall and the storage

spacey and simple

white and baby blue => perfect

like it
need a large space

love the way she/he puts the sewing equipments on the wall

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