Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Rafting di Pengalengan I

Being a noob and having nothing to do in my work tortures me like a lot!! What do I have to do with my super huge fat spare time?

Maybe i should just have a date with my blog?? yes? hhe I need to keep myself busy =D

What am I going to write about? This is the spoiler...

this was what i saw once i got out from our truck (yes, we used truck, not car, kwkwk)

So, where did we go? please make sure you read my whole story,.. *bear my broken English, =p

My super hubby took me to go rafting in Pengalengan and IT'S JUST AMAZING. Actually I hesitated a bit because I was so insecure about water. I went rafting couple of times, but I had my own trauma. I almost lost my life because of the naughty water and shitty stream had a conspiracy to suck me. Until now, I still remember the incident as clear as crystal.


Pengalengan is such a great place to spoil your eyes, heart and body. From all the beautiful places so far that I have visited, Pengalengan ranks #1!! It's so heavenly gorgeous. You gotta go there guys. Trust me. Its nature, fresh air, beautiful scenery, pines, grass, lake, river, hills, rice fields, etc are totally gonna suck you in amazement. I am still starstruck. 

It takes 6 hours from Bintaro (STAN college) and its better if you use your own vehicle to go there. If you use public transportation, You need to take bus to Bandung first and continue the journey with smaller bus and ojek. I completely forget the direction to go there, =P Fortunately, I have a dependable husband that is so good in reading map and direction.

Reading map and direction are completely out of my league, not my forte. Nevertheless, we always can ask people everywhere about directions right? so no need to worry to travel alone. =D

warming up is so necessary

tents under beautiful trees
one of Indonesia traditional house. look at the blue sky!!

always love the combination of tree, sky (that's barely seen), grass, and the lake
traditional house

thank you!!

it is me!! =D

all of the pictures were captured by using Iphone 4

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